Here’s a bunch of posts about book stuff. I’ll try to keep it book-themed, but I can’t promise that at some point it won’t devolve into outright complaining about completely unrelated stuff. I’m fickle like that.

Soft Release

Herringwood Messiah is out now! Buy it here. For my Dutch "Helenists": buy it here. A lot of you chose...
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Free Shit!

Book number two, now known as Herringwood Messiah, is in the last leg of its journey. I’m now at the...
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Until The Throwing Up Starts

It’s about time for an update, isn’t it?Those of you I talk to regularly are vaguely aware of what’s going...
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She Knows Music

Yeah, hey. How y’all doing? I’m fine, book’s fine, the second book is almost fine and getting there. Everything’s peachy....
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Trophy Unlocked

About a year ago, give or take a few days, my book came out. Or rather, I put it out...
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The Bakkerbaard Method

Now available! The Bakkerbaard-method for learning Dutch! Easy! Quick! Cheap! The key to learning is to make it entertaining. That’s...
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Guess who’s got the covid! Yeah, my number was up, apparently.Strange how you never hear anyone about how it turned...
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God Of T-Shirts

You spoke, and like the benevolent god I like to believe I am, I have listened.You wanted the URLs gone,...
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No Promo For You!

Learn something new every day. Turns out people don’t want a website on their clothes, no matter how subtle it is....
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It Might Get Loud

Nope, sorry. This has nothing to do with the music project I talked about in the previous post. Just forget...
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I Have A Plan!

You thought I was dead, didn’t you? No? Aw.I can’t wait to get famous enough for people to start thinking...
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The book’s been out for almost a month now and it did pretty well. Relatively speaking, anyway. I haven’t seen...
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Hello World!

Well, ain’t that a bitch. You spend all your videogame time on writing a book, pump a bunch of money...
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Due to several reasons and a temper tantrum, the release of As Far As Souls Go needs to be pushed...
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Proof One

For full effect, add an expletive of your choosing every fifth word. Unfortunately, I’m unable to do so at this...
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Most Useless Post

Good news! Work has started on the Dutch translation of As Far As Souls Go.The irony is that I’m doing...
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Oh, I’m so close it hurts. The story has been done for a while now, all the technical bookstuff is...
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Parade Of Flowers

Until all of you step up and make me a bestselling author, I will still have to go to my...
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Teasing The Teaser

In an effort to keep you entertained, hyped, and involved, I struggle to find subjects interesting enough to be post-worthy....
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Signs Of Life

As Far As Souls Go is now available for pre-order. Do the clicky thing here if you want in on...
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The Hidden Comma

I’ve spent the last three days going over the manuscript that was returned to me by the proofreader. I had...
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Humor me and imagine this: You’ve just hauled your overpacked suitcase down a concrete flight of stairs, through a tiled...
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Say Blurb One More Time!

Anyone who tells you writing the story is the hard part is full of shit. It’s a matter of sculpting...
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Crossing The I’s, Dotting The T’s

I thought I was pretty up to date on the whole doing-a-book-thing, so I was pretty confident going forward with...
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Got It Covered

Cover for As Far As Souls Go is done, as I’m sure you’ve noticed.You know the saying ‘don’t judge a...
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