Tag «afasg»

Trophy Unlocked

About a year ago, give or take a few days, my book came out. Or rather, I put it out myself and then yelled at everybody within earshot it was available. And a lot of you listened! Some bought the book because they needed a reliable door stopper, others because I emotionally blackmailed them, and …

The Bakkerbaard Method

Now available! The Bakkerbaard-method for learning Dutch! Easy! Quick! Cheap! The key to learning is to make it entertaining. That’s why you remember more Star Wars quotes than maths. To that end, I have compiled an educational package that focuses on entertaining you, instead of beating dry theory into your skull.With the Bakkerbaard-method, you can …

God Of T-Shirts

You spoke, and like the benevolent god I like to believe I am, I have listened.You wanted the URLs gone, I have risked RSI to make them disappear. All shirts are now available without a bakkerbaard.nl anywhere on them, except for the license plate shirts. That’s the logo. It comes with a URL. Deal with …

It Might Get Loud

Nope, sorry. This has nothing to do with the music project I talked about in the previous post. Just forget about that. Pretend I never said anything. Don’t make me wave my Jedi-hand, goddammit. I will do it. You don’t wanna get Jedi-pimp slapped. I’m not that good yet and I might erase the names …

I Have A Plan!

You thought I was dead, didn’t you? No? Aw.I can’t wait to get famous enough for people to start thinking I’ve died. That’s how you know you’ve made it. Someone, somewhere, suddenly rubbing their chin and going, “Hey, didn’t he die at some point?”They’ll google me, click their way here, and BAM! Still alive, and …