Let’s take a look back at the ancient time of 2016. Grand Theft Auto 5 had been out for three years and I was playing it religiously since day one, and would keep on playing it until the release of Red Dead Redemption 2
Somewhere in the middle of it, I thought it would be awesome to make my own game. It would be open world, have all kinds of cool cars, there would be vehicular warfare. Just glorious.
This you might recognize as a painfully bad idea, but complete lack of knowledge wasn’t going to stop me. At least, not until I actually started looking into what it took to build a game of the scope I had in mind. Nevermind the lack of any discernable skill; the lack of budget was more of an issue, but the idea wasn’t dead yet. It just needed to be scaled down.
Point & click adventures were more within reach, and considering I love classics like Monkey Island, the almighty Grim Fandango, and more recently, Thimbleweed Park, this was the new course.
I figured I could set up the storyline and then see where I’d go from there, so I started flowcharting a tale of a guy who accidentally sold his soul to the devil for a car and had to fix it in all manner of contrived ways.
You would play as Eddie Sterling, obviously. Rob Rooney was to act as a hint line. The car I took right out of the list I had already set up for the first attempt at a game. Things went swimmingly. 
Up until I got stuck writing it. I didn’t know how to get the story moving again, so I thought I’d just take some time and see how to actually make an adventure game. As I learned more and started finding out that even with the handy tools available this was going to be hard, I began to lose interest and went back to the newest update for GTA.
Why make my own game when there was already a great one ready and waiting?