There’s music in any good story. Also, in this one. Because it takes place in 1590/91 there aren’t really any literal references to songs. They weren’t big on CDs then, so not a lot got recorded. But I did think of songs during the writing process, and I listened to music, because life is sad and fucky without music. So here are a few songs that should liven up your reading experience.
There’s no Spotify list yet, but if it ever appears out of thin air, this is where you’ll find it.
This shit comes with McSpoilers!
If your story opens with a guy walking to the farm of a girl he loves in Scotland, there’s but one choice for your soundtrack.
When the rolling thunder you hear turns out to be the hooves of 1100 pounds of salvation barreling towards the prison transport you’re in, you might think of a specific thunder-themed song, and you’d be right. But this prison transport is in Scotland.
John decides he needs to flee Scotland, and gets it in his head he needs to go to America. Now, I know that Boston wasn’t founded until 1630, but it seemed like a nice reference to the Boston Excuse that keeps cropping up. Also, the song is about a sailor who’s lost his leg, and sort of Irish-ish, so who bloody cares when Boston was founded?
If, for some reason, you have trouble imagining being at your post guarding a place, and a cow with an attitude comes out of the mist to really fuck up your day, then listen to this. That’ll get you all you need.
Listen, this story isn’t set in the Highlands. There’s not a war going on. If you take a step back, this song makes little sense, I will admit that right here, right now.
But when someone like Agnes goes down, you give her the most metal sendoff possible, period.
Don’t worry, John and Agnes meet again.
And they still love each other.
I think this next one should be played over the credits when they inevitably turn this story into a movie.